Saturday 27 October 2007

Norman Lovett ... live!

Dunno if anyone remembers the name - I certainly didn't! But if you'd have said 'Holly' the deadpan computer in 'Red Dwarf', then I'd know exactly who you were on about.
Norman Lovett
Anyway, it turns out he's touring with the stand-up show he did at the Edinburgh Festival - 'Norman Lovett's Slide Show'. Caroline, me and the girls went to see him at Epsom Playhouse last night and he was brilliant! That laconic delivery that made Holly so funny is still there and his observations on how stupid life is are just great. Highly recommended!

Wednesday 17 October 2007

not bad 3 out of 4

Thanx 4 me text Ruth & me phone calls Mark & Andy. Hope 2 c u all soon BRUV PAUL x

Sounds a bit cheap ...

... but TBH, the chances of getting a birthday card to anyone right now on time are pretty remote )0: So happy birthday to Paul & Andy!!!

Tuesday 16 October 2007

Wi-fi - where would we be without it?

Granted it *can* be a bit tricky to set up in the first place but once you're up and running it's brill! Plus, as an added bonus, if you get a cheapo laptop, you can jump the queue for the 'ole internet. Gotta say, with two teenage daughters, one of who conducts most of their social life on MSN, we'd never get a look in otherwise!

On a related matter, I saw this terrific article on the 'spoof' news site, 'The Onion' - NASA Announces Plan To Bring Wi-Fi To Its Headquarters By 2017. I love the bit about 'NASA's estimated $655 million plan to install a wireless broadband router by 2017 could reap huge benefits'. You sound like you could sympathise, Ruth (0;

Humble appologies!

I am eating my pie as I type.
I have just opened today's post and send thanks to Mark,Kim,Andy,Sian,Josh, Jake, Joe,India,Ellie and Bump.....phew!
Lovely cards, thankyou
Goodnight#XXXXXX :)

don't get wireless connection! It's rubbish

What with fighting for a turn on the computer and it not actually connecting to the internet it's been a while.
Thankyou Paul, for my birthday card and blogger salutations.
Thankyou Simon for remembering that you forgot.
Poo! to everyone else! :)
I went away with Jane for my birthday to a hotel in sleepy Haslemere, for a thorough pampering..........very zen-like..mmmmmmmmm....
Hope everyone well

Saturday 13 October 2007

The official 'Ruth didn't get a birthday card from me' excuse list

  1. I posted it but it got stuck in the postal strike backlog.

  2. I thought it would get stuck in the above backlog so I didn't post it.

  3. I forgot (again!)

  4. I didn't reset the date on my watch at the end of September so I've been running a day behind for the whole of October.

  5. I was abducted by aliens for the last few days and my place in society has been taken by a cleverly fashioned 'doppelganger' with no head for dates.

Please choose the most appropriate or feel free to add more where neccessary / appropriate.

P.S. Sorry, Ruth

Friday 12 October 2007

Thursday 11 October 2007

Happy Birthday Sis

Happy B/Day Ruth xxx

Friday 5 October 2007

Found it at last.

You'll have to forgive an old bloke banging on about his hobby just once more! Mark - do you remember ages ago I asked if you remembered a card game we played as kids? I'm pretty sure it was actually yours. It was all about spies and stuff and was set in the desert. Well ... I've found out what it was called - Foreign Legion and someone else on BoardGameGeek remembers it as well. Here's the picture, click on the link for more info. Does it ring any bells ... I guess it's too much to expect you to still have it!

Wednesday 3 October 2007

Not another bl***y b/ay

More money ! Thats why im allways working. Bens b/day now !!!!!! bad time 4 us chaz`s 21st Ben`s 25th my 40 something Jacie`s 6th Tina`s 40th then XMAS see u all on the 8th day of the week. gotta go Ben`s here now Bye x

Tuesday 2 October 2007

There's interesting . . . !

Welsh Scrabble
One for you, Andy (-; I know it's an old article but I found this on the BBC site having seen an advert for Welsh Scrabble on a boardgames website. Apparently, it has no X, Q or Z and Y only scores one!

Another fascinating little 'gem' from the same article - in the Polish version, Z only counts as 1. Next time there's a lull in the dinner party conversation, you know what to bring up!