Friday 25 January 2008

Slim at last!

You may not want to know, but I'm going to tell you anyway, I've lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks on a post xmas diet...........even with a roast dinner when Paul came over last weekend.....Hurrah, I'm off to the "Ladies night" without a big beer belly tomorrow night!!
By the way all.....Lee is in the chair this year so next january will be my ladies night and am inviting everybody to come and celebrate with us. Please keep the last weekend in January 2009 free. I would love for every one to's just a fun dinner dance. Tom and George will be comming too.
Bad news too................Tom has just come home with a lip piercing...........I'll say no more............
love Ruth xxx

Monday 21 January 2008

Sutton update

As I write, there is 10 mins of 'Blue Monday' left - yes, it's officially the most depressing day of the year. No wonder we're all planning stuff to cheer up ourselves!

Elena is off on a school trip at the moment. They are at Disney, Paris on the pretext of learning about design and technology (-; Granted, there are some lectures from Disney staff about constructing the rides and creating the shows and costumes but to an outsider it's got to sound a bit tenuous!

Later this week, Lauren and Caroline are off to 'scouseland' for Lauren's interview at Liverpool University for the Veterinary course, so it's best of luck all round there.

Meanwhile, I've booked some tickets for the four of us to see Dara O'Briain in stand-up at the Fairfield Halls in Croydon - I'm really looking forward to that. I did a quick Wikipedia (primarily to check the spelling of his name!) and noticed he studied Theoretical Physics at Uni, you learn sommink new every day!

Speak to you all again soon.

Sunday 20 January 2008

Better late than never

Happy new year to all an sundry.
Great day on the 28th. Lovely to see everyone. Simon's game game was the sprinkling of icing on the family cake. Thanks Ruth and Lee for the hosts with the most. Funny enough Ruth. Were also in the process of having some fitted wardrobes...... fitted. It's funny how things that used to be boring, become quite exciting as we get older. Liked your house and surrounding area.
Felt the january blues early this year, so have just booked a week in Goa in march, which gives us something to look forward to. Hope everyone is well apart from the odd cold here and there.
Mark. x

Wednesday 16 January 2008

January Blues

Just checking in. The weather is enough to anyone hibernate! Soooooooo depressing. At the moment we are having some wardrobes fitted in the have no idea how exciting this is!!!
Thomas broke his wrist punching a bus stop last Friday evening.........still don't quite know what the bus stop did to deserve that sort of treatment.
Doreen's been ill since the new Year......which one of you gave her the lurgy then, eh?
George is wading his way through 2 weeks of Home Working because the school is closed to all but year 11, 12 and 13.
Lee is still working hard on the house.....all the inside walls are back up and are being plastered and I have got the job of designing the bathroom......quite exciting.
That's about it I think.
Love to all
Ruth xxxx

Sunday 13 January 2008

Yes, a bit slow on the posting front

Your right Paul, we are slowing down a bit. I guess January is always a bit of a dull month so there's probably not much to report. B.t.w. mate - very complimentary photo. A man's sofa is his castle, eh?
I guess there's always planning the summer holiday to warm us up!

Wheres My Family ?

Ahhh sunday a day of rest ! Where are u all ? Well we aint done much since xmas. Back 2 work & normal. Nothing 2 report really - hopeing somebody had something to tell or show ? Hope u are all ok will keep checking the blog. Bye 4 now PAUL x

Wednesday 2 January 2008


Happy new year to u all. Bet u cant guess who these 2 are ? Fancey dress party new years eve. hope u all ad a good 1. And yes thanx Ruth & Lee it was very nice 2 c every 1 on the 30th. luv 2 u all PAUL x