Sunday 30 November 2008

Getting there!

I think I now have *real* email addresses for Charlie and Chloe and I've sent out reminders to everyone as yet not confirmed. Currently,that's Thomas, George, Paul, Tina and of course the two new additions! I think Paul and Tina are currently internet-less - can anyone let them log into their hotmail accounts to at least accept the invites? Then the system can send out the all important 'who has got who' messages. Hopefully by that time they will be back on line.
Looking forward to hearing from everyone ...

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Secret Santa up and running

I set up (almost) everyone one on the Secret Santa today. The only tricky bit was that Ruth gave me the same email address for Charlie and Chloe which it seems the system cannot cope with! Also, I think it's not which also confused me for a while )-:

Anyway, if I could have another address for either one, that'd be great. So, check your emails, login into the thinksecretsanta site and confirm you want to join in. Once I've got everyone confirmed, I'll get the system to sent out everyone's 'secret' recipient.

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Secret Santa comes to the internet!

I found a couple of on-line 'Secret Santa' organiser sites. As usual, Wikipedia is your friend! This one at Elfster has a natty on-line tutorial to show you how it works. SecretSanta looks pretty straightforward (if a bit American, as I think they all are!). ThinkSecretSanta looks the simplest but what does everyone else think? Hey, I might even do a poll!!

Oh, purely in passing - has anyone ever finished 'Minesweeper' on 'difficult'? Did for the first time in ages today.

Monday 17 November 2008

Secret Santa???!!!

Thankyou everyone for a wonderful evening.
Forgot that S&C brought a cheesecake....found it in the veg drawer of the fridge yesterday....YUM!!
We forgot to draw names out of the hat for secret santa on the 21st December. Does anyone have any ideas how we might be able to do it by computer?
Ruth xx

Sunday 9 November 2008

Next step - Christmas

Well, that was a fun evening! We really enjoyed it, glad to hear the game went down well.

The journey home was soggy but much quicker than the 'sat-nav' pretty route on the way there!
George was saying he was having problems finding one of his favourites from the ole' game collection - Starfarers of Catan. I've always had good service from a company called Gameslore - so that might be a pressie sorted out, Ruth! I've put a link on the company name, usually it will say if it's not in stock, so you might be in luck!

Looking forward to seeing everyone on the 21st.

The Curry Night

Yes it was good to see you all again. Good game simon. looking forward to the Xmas dinner xxx

Saturday 8 November 2008

It's all a conspiracy I tell you!

Here's a funny thing you might like to try out yourself. Caroline was txting today and noticed the words that her phone's dictionary was suggesting all had a decidedly religious flavour! Here are the intended words followed by the *first* suggestion.
  • Mum - Nun
  • Resent - Repent
  • Rain - Pain
Any other strange suggestions people have come across?

Incidentally, really looking forward to this evening. Nobody did my game survey (sob!) so I'll just bring along everything I can stuff into the car.

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Curry order

Ruth - If you are pre-ordering, put us down for;
1x chicken dhansak
1x lamb rezalla
2x pilau rice
1x keema naan

Just as bit of a diversion (i.e. nobody has to take it too seriously!) I've discovered a new feature of 'Blogger' - polls! Couldn't resist adding one so feel free to vote. All very topical (polls, that is - not the subject matter) and you don't even have to queue! You can vote for as many games as you like. There are a couple that I haven't brought before so you can check out what they're like at everyone's favourite board game website!
Wits & Wagers, Starfarers, Citadels, Carcassonne, Pandemic