Wednesday 31 December 2008


Hello Harris Family just wanna say Happy new year to you all ! hope to see you all very soon. We had a nice peaceful xmas Jacie done well from Farther Christmas. Going to Ruth & Lee`s for dinner new years day. Bye for now x

Monday 29 December 2008

Moonlight Murders

Yep - rowdy is how I prefer Christmas, as well. Over in Carshalton, we're doing something a bit different for New Year - we're having a 'murder mystery' party. We found this great website that gives you the whole 'kit' for anything from 4 people up to mass catering 16. You get invites, backstory, 'sealed' clues, costume recommendations and even menu suggestions. It is all based around a dinner party so you get clues between courses and the big 'showdown' at the end which it nice because it has a definite beginning and end and won't drag on all evening. Unless, of course, we all get so far into character we can't stop (0; Anyway, photos and report to follow.
Have a great New Year everyone - see you at the Ladies Night. Speaking of which, for those of you young enough to still be 'students', Burton do a not inconsiderable discount for 'Formal Wear' hire for anyone with a Student Card, which might be worth bearing in mind!

Sunday 28 December 2008

In the Stillness!

All quiet here now. we had a lovely and positively rowdy Christmas in Vigo. Lots of food, booze and a few brisk walks with the dogs. Boxing day, Rupert, two jack russels and a BEAR (Burmese mountain dog!) TV is rubbish and have spent the last two and a half hours reading a good book.... The Memory Keepers Daughter.
Anybody doing anything exciting for New Year?
Love Ruth xx

Saturday 27 December 2008

Pressie thanks

I hope Santa brought everything we all wanted. I think my Lamborghini must still be in customs, but all the other presents were great! Thanks to my Secret Santa for the great Espresso maker, btw.
We've just come back from a few days at Caroline's brother's place down in Eastbourne - we had a great time. Lots to eat and lots of games played - the ideal combination in my book!

Thursday 25 December 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone

Wednesday 24 December 2008

Sunday Xmas lunch

Great to see all. Have a good one and a happy new year.

Sunday 21 December 2008

Friday 19 December 2008


Hiya, Tina here, just having a read below.......Happy belated birthday to Elena, didnt know it was your birthday, which date is it, and when is laurens and carolines??????????????????????
Hope Tom had a good birthday, did he get our card ???????????????? didnt realise it was his 18th

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Singing ... part II

  1. John Cale - a founder member of the Velvet Underground (y'know - Lou Reed, Andy Warhol etc.).

  2. Congrats on the performance - sounds like fun.

  3. We went for a major curry for Ellie's birthday - table for 24, please!

  4. I had to ask Paul as well, he said 13:30 - 14:00.

Tuesday 16 December 2008


Great video Simon, excuse my ignorance but...who is it?
Our staff choir singing went very well last week I absolutely LOVED it! Thought I would be embarassed but no.... must be an age thing! Singing all round with Elena too then?
How did her birthday go? Tom's has been very quiet considering it's his 18th.... watching telly with girlfriend and his brother.. it's either a miricle or a dream!
Looking forward to Sunday, do we have a time? I cant remember...must be an age there an echo in here?

Sunday 14 December 2008

Hallelujah - the *real* version

On the subject of X-factor, I love this great song (remember the great scene in Shrek?) - take a look at this video to see how it *should* be done.

Saturday 13 December 2008

How did it go, Ruth?

Who cares how X-Factor went? How was your showbiz debut? On a similar note, we went to see Elena singing in her choir in the shopping centre in Sutton today. It was great and all very festive.

Tuesday 9 December 2008


Just to let you all know to put fingers in ears on Thurday evening as I will be doing my first performance to a real audience in our staff choir....they say those high notes travel far!
Wish me luck as I feel a cold coming

Monday 8 December 2008

Birthday Girl!

Happy Birthday Doreen, lots of love, Tina Paul and Jacie-Ann XX

Thursday 4 December 2008

Pressie Time

'I know who Im buying for, I know who Im buying for' lol.......Tina here, noticed there is a profile text that everyone can fill in which you can put down interests, you know like whether you into books or certain music, games, etc etc whatever is your thing, so basically you can give lots of ideas for what you are into to help with whoever is buying a gift for you. Are we filling this out?????? ttfn xx

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Right ... got it!

What I was *going* to say was - Ok, everyone has now signed up for the 'Secret Santa' - I will close the list and get the system to send out everyone's allocated recipient. This is pretty good timing 'cos everyone will get this in time for the weekend, but Tina has already beaten me to it! I have now put in a bit of text into my profile - I reckon it might be a good idea if everyone has a moment.


Hiya Simon, Tina here. I've had Chloe on the phone saying she hasnt received anything from Secret Santa for her to log in, I suggested she put in her email address and then click on 'forgot password' then perhaps she will be able to log on with that...... but have told her to hold on til I check with you that you have registered Chloe ????

Monday 1 December 2008

New career beckons

Tina - impressive PC fixing efforts! You could come and work for Kings College IT department.

Should be ready to send out the selections in the next couple of days. As I write, there's only George and Chloe to go.

getting good at this!

ok, tina again, sorted, i have registered too, really have to get ready for work now, will speak to charlie and chloe tomorrow and i will sort them out, were you all waiting on us, so sorry, but computer has been playing up, got there in the end will let you know tomorrow as soon as i have got charlie and chloe registered on SECRET SANTA ttfn xxxx


hi everyone, tina here, just spent 2 hours trying to get the computer up and running, what a nightmare, just kept shutting down and saying your system was shut down due to a serious error, anyway seem to have got it going again. i have checked out secret santa for paul and have registered, apparently he will now get an email telling him whom he will be buying for, now going to sort mine.............. fingers crossed computer stays on