Sunday 28 June 2009

Birthday Boy

Happy birthday Simon. Hope you had a good day. Was great to meet up with everyone, sorry we did'nt stay on for a walk. but as you probably noticed, Kim was in no condition for after lunch activities. In fact she was'nt even in a condition for lunch! She's a very naughty girl.
Hope to catch up soon
Mark x

Saturday 27 June 2009


Happy b/day bruv hope you have a good one x

Friday 26 June 2009

After The Harris Lunch

Hello one & all just a quickie to say thanx to all that came sunday I LOVE IT when we all get together. Photos to follow haveing a bit of trouble with the computer. lookinf forward already to the next meet. xxx Bruv Paul xxx

Thursday 18 June 2009

Where are the piccies?

Hi All,
Just a quickie, too, to say what a great time we had on Sunday and what great weather too!
I just wanted to ask " where are the pictures that people took on Sunday?"
Would love to see some.
Ruth x

Wednesday 17 June 2009

Nice to see you ...

... to see you, nice (-;
Just a (very) quick post to say it was good to catch up with everyone on Sunday and thanks to Paul for organising it!

Monday 8 June 2009


Hello all. Apologies for the lack of blog activity on my part. No excuses really, but have been rehearsing a fair bit lately for a few gigs coming up. Have an interesting one next sat. the evening before our lunch, with a band at the Grosvenor Hotel park lane in the main ballroom. Its some type of sports charity do. Was'nt going to name drop but can't resist it. Apparantly Imran Khan is doing a speech, some of the india and pakistan cricket team are going to be there, and much to Kim's delight(who's blagged her and her friend in) there's a rumor that Richard Gere is going to be there, but i'll beleive that when i see it.
Anyway looking forward to our get together on sunday. Hope everyone is well. Mark x
ps. Liked the youtube clip Simon

Sunday 7 June 2009

Simon's Cat

Yes folks - this IS Honey! So true it's uncanny (and they even got my name right!)

Tuesday 2 June 2009

To The Harris Lunch

No probs family. To answer you simon i think its a better place you can have from a burger to a lobster & we have our own floor at the TOP with our own waitress. to answer ruth yes i am BURNT working in sun all day cant get out of it ! c u all at the WATERMILL xxx