Sunday 19 July 2009

Vandals from the woods

I like to feed the little birdies in my garden and I have no objection to the odd Sqidge sharing the nuts BUT they are SO gready they have to eat every last morsel and break all the very expensive "squirrel proof" bird feeders!!!!!!!!!!! THEY HAVE TO GO

Thursday 16 July 2009

Obvious question!

Ruth - Might seem a bit of a silly question but why are you trapping squirrels in the first place? Are you being besieged or something?

Tuesday 14 July 2009

OMG! what now?

Have trapped our first squirrel over night. It is still in the trap, as all thoughts of shooting it have gone out of the window( just for the record I was never keen on this option!). All the bravado has disappeared and we are now talking to woods 10 miles away for it to make new friends!!!! Men eh?