Sunday 27 September 2009

Simon's cat

Just thought you might like to see a piccie that Caroline took while I was in the garden this afternoon. Honey came up to see me (as usual) within about about 30 seconds of me sitting down - I thought it looked very sweet.

Sunday 20 September 2009

Drunken gig

A big thanks to everyone for making the long journey over last night. It was lovely to see you all there. Went back to Martin's house after and sat in the garden drinking brandy till 4 in the morning watching Kim taking a couple of the girls through one of her aerobics workouts in stiletto's! [the girls were wearing the stiletto's ].
Anyway hope to catch up soon with all.
Love Mark

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Marc & Mark (or is the other way round?)

I thought we might have to cry off the gig on the 19th 'cos friends of ours were having a going away party that day (they are emigrating to Australia) but it has been postponed (the party, that is, not the emigrating).
Which is a long way of saying, yes we'd love to come. Any more details, Mark? I think the girls would be interested as well - would there be any probs with Elena (nearly 17!).

Catching up

OOOOOOOh Simon you naughty boy, you sound just like my students at school!!! Good to hear everyones news.
Mark, we'd love to come to the gig....what time? how many can I bring? is it tickets? tell me more!
Simon, good to hear the girls are doing well.
I have a liittle good news (and bragging) of my own. Tom has secured a hairdressing apprenticeship at Mid kent College and starts on Monday. George got 4 bs and 7 cs and moves in to Hadlow College on Sunday.
Love to All

Monday 7 September 2009

Yep - I've been a bit lax too!

Honestly, I'm in front of the computer so much there's no excuse )-: Anyway, news from the Sutton chapter ...

We had two separate weeks away this summer - one in Kalkan in Turkey (v. hot but lovely) and one at Camber Sands (surprisingly good weather). Still haven't taken the photos off the camera yet, so you've all got that treat to come (-;
Two friends of ours are having a joint 50th birthday celebration soon with a weekend in Lyme Regis just for the adults, so that's to look forward too.

Lauren goes back to Uni in a couple of weeks starting her second year. She'll be getting into the real hands-on stuff this year so she's really looking forward to that.
Elena did very well with her GCSEs and we were very pleased. She got into Wallington *boys* school 6th form (yes!) to do her A levels because they did the subjects she wanted in the right 'combination'.

Mark - the gig sounds like a great idea, I'll certainly check calendars and let you know.

I've taken about 30 minutes to write this tiny message 'cos I've been distracted playing on-line games at the same time (who wants to act their age anyway!).
Anyway, speak to you all soon!!!