Sunday 28 March 2010

Great Day!

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for a wonderful afternoon, I couldn't believe we'd been there for 4 hours!!!! A little bit sad that I didn't get too much chance to speak to Chloe and Charlie..... That's the trouble with a big table unless you shout very loudly!!
So..... everybody thinking about their record breaking attempts then?
See you all on 30th May
Love Ruth xxx
PS hope Tina better soon x

Arrrrh the day has come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good to see us all useing the BLOG The day has finally come - for those with bad memories, or dont read their texts or check out the blog, the restaurant is the DICK TURPIN Wickford A127 the time is 1pm the date is 28th march 2010 your everloving bro paul