Tuesday 23 November 2010

All present and correct!

Yea, everyone has signed up to the Secret Santa. I clicked the button and the emails have been sent.
Santa picked
Caroline and I have received our 'target' emails so we know who we are buying for! If you fancy making it easy for your own 'secret santa', feel free to log onto the site and put something into your wishlist (see below). Or else just leave it to 'pot luck' - it's up to you (0;
Anyway, it's just a bit of fun so happy shopping and see you all at the 'Moat' on the 5th.

P.S. our emails went to our 'junk' folder (not sure why) so remember to check ALL your email folders!

Monday 22 November 2010

Secret Santa part 3 (!)

Everyone now has an account on the secret santa website but these last few peeps (Paul, Tina, Ben, Jodie, Mark) just need to log on and accept the invitation to the exchange. Basically, it’s just a matter of popping in the code in the original email (harriee9d8091786 in case you’ve lost it) into the ‘enter your code’ box and click ‘join’.
If we can’t get this all wrapped up by Wednesday night at the latest, then we’ll just have to accept defeat by technology. I’ll get Elena to put 18 bits of paper into a hat and send out 18 separate emails!!

Sunday 21 November 2010

Xmas gathering

Ello family now we sort of got the santa thing sorted wot is happening wiv Jacie & Alfie ???

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Secret Santa part II ...

We've just checked Caroline's invite to the 'Harris Family Secret Santa' and it seems fairly straightforward. You go the site given in your email and create a new account. It asks for a couple of details (the email address it was sent to, your chosen password, name and birthday, I think). You then log in with those details and 'accept' the invite. If for some reason everyone isn't able to do this by the deadline (I arbitarily chose next Saturday) then there is a way for the administrator (i.e. me!) to accept on behalf of people who haven't created an account yet. Not sure how that works out - presumably, it just sends out an email with your chosen recipient. Anyway, get checking those email inboxes (check your 'spam' folder just in case!) and remind everyone else living under the same roof (-:


Monday 15 November 2010

Secret Santa up and running

OK, I've picked an online 'Secret Santa' that looks simple enough. I hope I've got everyone's email address OK, so you should be getting your invites dropping into your inboxes any time now. I think you need to 'accept' the invites by logging into the website on the email with the code provided (if it's anything like last years one!) so check your emails a.s.a.p.
Because it is so close now, I've put a 'deadline' of next Saturday to register only because that gives us 2 weeks to get the gifts. I had a quick chat with Paul and we reckon £10 (or a bit over) is enough for a fun pressie without breaking the bank. Let's see how it goes.