Tuesday 26 June 2007

Beaten to the punch

You'd have thought, what with being designated administrator for this groundbreaking website, that I'd have actually got the privilege of making the first post (0; But our 'early adoptor' Ruth got there first. Good on ya! I will be sending out 'invites' to Mark and Paul (i.e. the remaining siblings that actually have email addresses a.t.m.) and await news of Andrew's reconnection to cyberspace with bated breath!

Yes, Saturday was great fun and suitably embarrassing for our kids. Let's face it, along with the memories that was one of major attractions of the whole 'slide show' thing! It was the fact that we all had so much to catch up that made me think this 'blog' would be useful and/or entertaining.

Anyway, a little update from the Surrey branch is that we'll be tripping off on a 2-day road trip at the end of the week to look at Uni's for Lauren. I guess in the age of easy-peasy international travel we are all probably as guilty as each other of ignoring great chunks of our own country but even so, at my age, it seems amazing that I have never been to neither Bristol nor Liverpool. Oh well, should be fun and I'll report back! Might even get some pictures up!

That reminds me - did anyone get any photos on Saturday? Might be interesting! Also, I wonder if folks have heard of a way of getting slides 'digitised' - that'd be good.

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