Saturday 25 August 2007

where are you now...................

wot, aint none of you using this site anymore? got another week off, will let you know with pics wots gone on this week, bit of a problem at the moment downloading from camera, cant find lead since the move, but will be hunting high and low over the next few days............ sunnier times here again............ hope you are allllllllllllllllllllllllllll well, speak to you soon, bruv PAUL

Saturday 18 August 2007

No offence meant (0;

I was only tidying up the layout (honest!) - it's always good to hear from everyone. Great new about the move, Ruth, best of luck and I hope it goes OK. When it comes to technology, a keen teenager in the house always comes in handy!

B.t.w. Ruth, did you like the Boynton graphics? I remember you were always a fan of her designs when they first came out.

Friday 17 August 2007


I didn't realise this blog was an English test, Simon! Which reminds me.. how were Lauren's results? I'm sure she has done really well, with a tyrant like you she wouldn't dare do otherwise!!! :) Only two days 'til Doreen's move and four 'til ours. I will anounce the new address and phone number before I unplug the computer next week, who knows when we'll get it set up again? If Tom has anything to do with it, it'll be the same day we move!!!!!!!
Farewell and good night ........another early start tomorrow.

Mark - see me after class!

So Ruth reckons she's Mum re-incarnated (!) - it was all I could do to keep myself from breaking out the red biro (0; Seriously, I just took out the extra 'returns' in your post, Mark, that gave those funny line breaks, you only need one at the end of each paragraph.

Good to hear from you all the same!

Monday 13 August 2007

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. Hanging on to my forties by my fingertips! Went out for a meal with some friends on sat. night, and on sunday, had a wander around Covent garden, which conveniently had loads of great clothes shops, for Kim to by me birthday presents in.
Apologies for the lack of recent contributions. Glad to see everyone elses. I'll load up some holiday snaps when we get back from Majorca next month. Went there last year for the first time, and really loved it. Stay away from the obvioustouristy hot spots, and drive inland north, up in the mountains, and it's really picturesque.
It's my day off today, monday, so i've been down the gym, to try and keep some assembelence of shape to this 49 year old body!
Got a gig early september, at a club in collier row. First one for a while. Once we get a couple under our belt, maybe one or two would like to come and see us. I'll keep you posted.
Anyway gonna go and watch tv in bed now, and probably fall asleep about 15 mins. later.
Love to all Mark x

Sunday 12 August 2007

Happy Birthday Mark

Just getting before midnight ......'though you sould have received a card in the post too!
We've been over at Doreen's for the weekend taking down 35 years of loft contents!!!!!!!!
We all needed two showers each when we were done!
Tom is enjoying reading the posts.

Birthday Boy

Yo Mark! Happy Birthday Bro........ mmmmmmm card will be in the post tomorrow, not very good at this birthday lark are we, but thinking of you on your special day, and they do say 'its the thought that counts'

Mark - hippo birdies two ewes

Have a good one!

Friday 10 August 2007

I don't scare that easy

The 'birthday idea' sounded pretty compulsory to me (0; We are pretty c**p at remembering dates so we need *unsubtle* reminders. I thought listing the dates in the sidebar would be a good start.

Ruth - great news on the house, hope the big day goes OK, no doubt we'll speak (or post) before then just to keep up-to-date with progress. Incidentally, I have been posting comments on some posts so keep an eye on them as well.

Anyone else got any hols coming up? Always nice to see some pictures of the Harris clan. Even if your not going away, upload some images anyway - at the rate we meet up someone could have had a radical makeover in-between visits!

We were thinking of popping down to Eltham Palace on Sunday (weather permitting). It looks really nice - saw a article in a newspaper somewhere. We might even risk a picnic. There, that jinxed it for the weather, now!

Eltham Palace

Anyone There????

Have I frightened everyone off? The birthday card thing was just an idea, not compulsory!!
You may be interested to know that we have exchanged on our new house, and we move on or after the 20th August.
New address....
3 The Covert,
If you are all still talking to me
Ruth xxxx

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Birthday reminder

Hello All......
I'm setting myself a new challenge........ to see if I can get everyone to send a card to their brother or sister on time, or in some cases, for the first time in years! so that each family member gets at least 4 cards through the door on the right day!
Mark's birthday is on Sunday this week so second class stamps post today and first class tomorrow! NO EXCUSES
Love Ruth ( mother reincarnated ) !!!!! xxxxx

Tuesday 7 August 2007

N Ireland pics

On Derry city walls
We were only there for 3 nights but we managed to pack it all in! We flew to Dublin (EasyJet) did the open top bus ride (in the rain!) and then drove over to Derry where we stayed that night. Then we drove across to Bushmills (famous for the oldest licenced distillary in the world) and stayed 2 nights in the hotel I mentioned before. From there we could easily get to the Giant's Causeway and the Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge. On the Giants Boot
All-in-all great fun and both interesting and beautiful.

It's all happening here!!!

Well.................. We've completed on the garage sale, and the Vigo house is exchanging on Friday with completion on 20th August!!!!
I may not be on the blog for a while I'll be up to my eyeballs in boxes in both Essex and Kent. I may never emerge from the loft in Woodford Green.
Wish me luck!

i`ve got loads more !!!

waiting for Tina to sort out the pic`s

Saturday 4 August 2007

This is what we want

Bushmills Inn, Co Antrim
Nice to see lots of messages (-; Great piccies as well! As you've probably noticed, we're doing th 'ole holiday thing a bit unusually this year and taking it all in bits. Last week, it was Italy, this week we are in Northern Ireland for a few days (I'm writing this in Bushmills right now). I've nicked the photo off the web, I'll put some of ours up when we get back.

Friday 3 August 2007


Thought you all might like to see my grandson, Alfie. Took he out for the day, but was all too much for him. God, I am the youngest and am first to make it to Grandad status......... Dont think you lot are getting off lightly, by my reckoning that makes you lot GREAT Unlces and GREAT Aunties, hehehehe

Thursday 2 August 2007

Yes, I'm still alive!

Not sure about anyone else!
Been very busy these last couple of weeks getting things organised for the GREAT MOVE.
Looks like it's gonna be near the end of August now.
Simon, your holiday pics look great, I expect you are all hidiously brown, I'll see you when it's faded!!!
Paul, I have been trying to conact you. I've sent an email since you left a message with George( he did tell me) and I couldn't get through on the phone.
Anyway, back to organising........throwing out!
Be happy everyone.......


Wot am I the only person using this blog, dont you lot use it no more.............

Wednesday 1 August 2007

What's the Story, Morning Glory.....

morning all......... third day off and the sun is a shining, again, i hear canvey beach a calling, (anyway Jacie-Ann's excited hehehehe)