Monday 31 December 2007

All gearing up for the next 'bash'

Yes, I'll second that in saying we had a great time yesterday. So good to see everyone and many, many thanks to Ruth & Lee for laying on everything. I know we always say 'lets not leave it so long next time' so I guess we'll just have to make some New Year resolutions to that effect! I guess we're all getting ready for this evening's festivities as I write.

Glad everyone enjoyed the game - I thought it was a good little discovery. Because I'm a bit of a 'gamegeek' I started another 'blog' of my usual game group sessions but I posted a quick description of Sunday's efforts. Kim said to make sure I mentioned her & Lee's heroic last gasp efforts so here it is - Thursday Night Games Club.

Happy New Year everyone!!!

Great success, I think!

Hello everyone. Hope everyone had a good time, it was wonderful to see everyone together without there having to be a major reason!! I really did mean it when I said that you're all welcome anytime, just ring to make sure I haven't had a rare trip out!! Mark, glad the lost wallet was a false alarm. I've just finnished the spruce-up and hav'nt found anything left behind.
Love to all, and have a very "Happy New Year"

Saturday 29 December 2007

The Gathering Of The Harris Clan

Hello Sis we all comeing on sunday 30th 8 of us. looking forward to it. Hope You All Had A Good Xmas. See You All Sunday Bye For Now PAUL xxx

Thursday 27 December 2007

Looking forward to Sunday

Did everyone have a merry Christmas? Not too merry I hope!! Hope all are still coming on Sunday. We have the Vincents over tomorrow, our first guests of the season.Not much of a practice for Sunday though...........Extra 4 is a bit different from an extra 25!!!!........oh well if you're going to do a crowd you might as well do it properly!!

Saturday 22 December 2007

It's all go!

Everyone ready for Christmas, huh? No, thought maybe not! Made the big mistake of venturing into the local shopping centre today (Saturday) - not good news. It was very much like this great Argos advert.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone next week, it's been a while since the majority of us were under one roof!

We've been on tenterhooks waiting for Lauren's Uni offers to come through recently. She's had a couple from her 'backup' courses and yesterday she got an offer from the Royal Veterinary College so that's really terrific. The other two Vet courses have said they'll be sending out offers to successful candidates in the new year so we'll have to see what that brings. Of course, there's now only the small matter of the getting the relevant grades )-;

We went up to the 'Old Vic' this week to see 'Cinderella', the panto directed by Stephen Fry. You can imagine it had more than it's fair share of innuendo and it was really funny. This is how it was introduced by the narrator, Sandi Toksvig;
Cinderella is a tale of passion, jealousy, cross-dressing, injustice, chocolate, madness, cruelty, ice cream, hatred, revenge, jelly, unrequited love, envy, tarts, forgiveness, music, laughter, hope, redemption, and most important of all, love - the truest, purest true love that ever was. And cake. So much cake you won't believe. And Pauline Collins was the fairy godmother so that was another famous face. Actually, I've just realised, Stephen Fry does the voice-over for the above advert - he gets everywhere doesn't he?

Anyway, Merry Christmas one and all (as Tiny Tim put it) and see you next week.

Thursday 20 December 2007

Nativity Play

Here's Jacie-Ann in her nativity play, surprisingly Jacie-Ann had one of the main parts, she was a sheep, I think we have an actress in our midst (I think thats the right word), Jacie-Ann is the little one on the end, ta ta.......... Tina

Wednesday 19 December 2007

Christmas gathering

I have spoken to Mark and Simon in the last couple of days and it looks like everyone can make it on the 30th. I thinking about 2pm if thats ok with all? If anyone wants to bring anything they don't want to be eating or drinking in the New Year then feel free, but don't feel you HAVE to!!
Thanks for the Xmas cards everyone.........Tina, yours was spectactular!! Why do I never find cards like that?
Love to all....See you on the 30th

Rounding up the troops

Hello all Im doing my best spoke 2 Ben Jack & Chaz & even my grandson Alfie. Lookin good 4 the 30th love 2 u all PAUL x

Sunday 16 December 2007

Lovely Pics (except one!)

Great to see the pictures up at last........of course I've seen the lovely Jasmine in the flesh already...HA HA!!!
Wonderful news that Andy, Sian and all the gang are going to be able to make it up here before the New Year.
Official invitation then......
Sunday 30th December 2007, any time between 1pm and 7pm. I'll lay on some tea (Turkey sarnies!!!)Vegetarian of course Lauren!
Blog me back with confirmations, everyone.
Love Ruth xxx

happy b-day tom & happy belated b-day tina

happy b-day tom on the 16th. hope u like the car, get ur driving test done and the world will b ur oyster! sorry tina 4got ur birthday u old dagenhamite the big 40 ey. the bus pass beckons. ha!ha!now i've got a younger 1 than u it makes me feel much younger.jasmine sends her 1st birthday greetings

1st few pics of jasmine

hi everyone sorry its taken so long, but we have only just managed 2 sort out the camera.(we're both computer virgins) so here(at last) r the first few pics of the new addition 2 the family :jasmine ann harris 23/11/2007

. as u can c, she's the spit of her father, but u'll b able 2 c 4 urselves on the 30th thanks to ruth & lee's kind invitation. hope to c u all there!!!!

Friday 14 December 2007


40, what me, na, not me, im twenty twenty, always will be thanx for your birthday wishes ruth, out for italian tonight and a good drink, cant wait, tina xx

Thursday 13 December 2007

Belated wishes:)

Happy birthday for yesterday Tina! I never realised you were "that" age. You look good on it dear, especially as you live with a Harris!!!!
Love and many happy returns.
PS Does Paul know how to speak into a telephone,?? only I only seem to get little text messages!!! (but i do enjoy receiving them..........not complaining!)

Many happy returns ...

... but Paul is a bit mean suggesting you are 120 (40+40+40)!

Thursday 6 December 2007

Hi All

Sorry Andy but my phone was given to me as a freebie so I don't have all the bits and bobs to put up the picture.
Just to let everyone, who has seen Jasmine, know.......she is much more beautiful in the flesh......I had some wonderful cuddles at the weekend. Thankyou Sian and Andy for a lovely relaxing W/E. Even the drive home was quite good!
Congrats on the new car Si, good fun buying something expensive isn't it?
Lovely piccie of Jaycie, Paul, she's so pretty.........must take after her mother eh?
Love to all
Where are Mark and Kim?

Wednesday 5 December 2007

Don't make 'em (videos) like they used to ...

... well actually, they do! I was explaining to one of the girls that the idea of showing the lyrics on flash cards was done looooong ago by Bob Dylan, 1965 in fact. Take a look at this, it's a classic.
Bob Dylan - Subterranean Homesick Blues

Apparently it was shot in a back alley somewhere in London.

Sunday 2 December 2007

Rush of blood to the head

You guys must realise that I am not the most impulsive of people in the world but today I think I must have had a bang on the head without realising (-;
I've been saying for weeks now that we need a new car so off we went today to 'have a look' at the Peugeot 307 and the new shape Astra. To cut a short story even shorter, 1 test drive and 60 minutes later we walked out of the Peugeot showroom having put down a deposit on a 2-year-old 307! I was a couple of miles down the road before I realised what'd happened.


The B/day Girl
Hello Hello ! How`s my family ? Wot`s the goss ? Where r u ? R u ok ? x