Saturday 22 December 2007

It's all go!

Everyone ready for Christmas, huh? No, thought maybe not! Made the big mistake of venturing into the local shopping centre today (Saturday) - not good news. It was very much like this great Argos advert.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone next week, it's been a while since the majority of us were under one roof!

We've been on tenterhooks waiting for Lauren's Uni offers to come through recently. She's had a couple from her 'backup' courses and yesterday she got an offer from the Royal Veterinary College so that's really terrific. The other two Vet courses have said they'll be sending out offers to successful candidates in the new year so we'll have to see what that brings. Of course, there's now only the small matter of the getting the relevant grades )-;

We went up to the 'Old Vic' this week to see 'Cinderella', the panto directed by Stephen Fry. You can imagine it had more than it's fair share of innuendo and it was really funny. This is how it was introduced by the narrator, Sandi Toksvig;
Cinderella is a tale of passion, jealousy, cross-dressing, injustice, chocolate, madness, cruelty, ice cream, hatred, revenge, jelly, unrequited love, envy, tarts, forgiveness, music, laughter, hope, redemption, and most important of all, love - the truest, purest true love that ever was. And cake. So much cake you won't believe. And Pauline Collins was the fairy godmother so that was another famous face. Actually, I've just realised, Stephen Fry does the voice-over for the above advert - he gets everywhere doesn't he?

Anyway, Merry Christmas one and all (as Tiny Tim put it) and see you next week.

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