Wednesday 30 April 2008


Has everybody emigrated without telling me?
Come to think of it, that's no excuse either seeing as it's a WORLD WIDE web!
Come on guys I need news, gossip, scandal!! Contact!
Love Ruth

Saturday 19 April 2008

Holidays in parts this year

Of course, the master plan w.r.t. Lauren & University now only has the small matter of grades to get past!
While we're talking hols, Caroline and I have just booked a couple of days away in the sun for her birthday next month. We all liked Tuscany so much last year that all 4 of us are going back for another week later in the year. Some friends of ours have invested in a holiday home in Turkey and we're going to try to meet up when another family and us go to a nearby resort for a week. But by far the most exciting travel news is Lauren's volunteering in S. Africa. It's basically a month of 'conservation and environment' work in South Africa and Botswana and it just sounds brilliant!
volunteers workingview over the park

Good to see everyone planning their hols - it's great fun innit?

Friday 18 April 2008

Congtrats Lauren!!

Hello Everyone
Well done Lauren, it all sounds very exciting! Simon, I didn't mean it to sound like it did, anyway its not really ours, just a way of making a living. Mind you, I'm seriously considering putting Mother in it!!! ENOUGH of that!! Holiday sounds good Paul. We know how you feel about moving and not having a holiday and we too have booked already... We're off to Shopshire on a ROSIE & JIM boat at the end of July.
Love to all
PS I'm all for another gathering, hows about everyone else?

Thursday 17 April 2008

Hello from Benfleet !

Hello family it`s booked & payed for we`re off to Bulgaria 26th May Me; Tina & Jacie.
Sunny beach hotel 1.5klm from beach 2klm from all shops resturants ect.
Can`t wait , never had a holiday last year wot with the move. Ps well done Lauren !
WHEN US LOT GETTING TOGETHER AGAIN ??? luv 2 all bruv Paul x

Wednesday 16 April 2008

Surrey news

I guess the latest from (slightly) sunny Sutton is that Lauren has had all her offers from Universities and made her final choice of two. She has settled on;

Liverpool - Veterinary Medicine

Bristol - Animal Psychology and Welfare

So, if everything goes according to plan we'll have an honorary scouser in out midst (-;

B.t.w. Ruth, that's a great throwaway line - "PS We bought another house on Friday"

Sunday 13 April 2008

Usual Sunday evening blog

Hello everyone
Just a quickie to see how everyone is. Has no one any news this week? I'm off on my cultural jaunt with Jane tomorrow....will let you know how it went.
Love and goodnight
Ruth xx
Ps we bought another house to do up on Friday at the auction....It's in the village next to the school.

Sunday 6 April 2008

...ohh ...ooh me too!

I wouldn't want to be left out in the technology race (bad for the 'geek' image) so here are a couple of pictures from the Harris family. Elena is off skiing with the school at the moment and she sent us this picture yesterday on the day she arrived. Note the weather in the Swiss Alps!

And the next picture is one I took this morning (on the lower slopes of Surrey)!

It's all a bit odd! Anyway, on to IT stuff, this blogger thing is a bit quirky in that it always puts images at the beginning of the post regardless of where the cursor is! You can always 'tweak' the code, if you fancy, by just cutting the image code (the bit between the <a ...> and </a>) from the top of the post ...
Before - click to expand
... and pasting it back into where you want if to appear.
After - click to expand
And there ends today's HTML tutorial (-;

Stand by for Ruth and Technology!!

Hello everyone

I was texting Paul earlier and said I would put some pics of the ridiculous weather on the goes.....oh, they've come out at the top....oh well!
The fishing ones were Lee and George just outside Maidstone on Thursday and snowy ones were Me and George and Rupert this morning, crazy eh?
Poor old Rupert he had such a wonderful time. Every time someone wizzed down the hill he followed and returned to the top in two seconds flat and now he has got himself under the desk by my feet and can't get up because of his athritis!!!!
WHo's hosting the next gathering then??
It must be about time for us to all get together again
Love to all
Ruth xxx

Hello 1 & All

Hello family hope u are all ok. Just a little bit of gossip - Can`t belive after last week working outside top off that its SNOWING again !!! Jacie is very Happy. Anyway gossip - Bens broken his ankel may need pins or a plate in it. A drunken night out with bruv Jack feel over ankel inwards then Jacks 14.5 stone lands on TOP ! Boys will be boys A ? Charlie has just moved out of Barkingside zoo & got his own flat wiv his girlfriend in Haroldwood. Jade doing ok. Jacie`s got her wellies hat & scarf on looks like im going outside then O JOY ! Tina & me all ok just working. Took the focus in for service & m o t all good needed nothing doing ( sorry simon ) Bye for now PAUL x

Wednesday 2 April 2008

New Recruit!!!

George says he'll come with you!!!! He just read your rather sad and distressing post!!
Ruth :)

Wallace collection - ring any bells?

Hello everyone,
As from today I'm on two weeks "Easter" break and have just organised a day of culture with Jane for next Monday. Does anyone remember Dad's favorite art collection, the Wallace collection,Hertford House W1? He used to have a wonderful coffee table book of it which would come out on a long coffee visit. We often go to the RA and the National Gallery because it's up the road from the hairdressers' we frequent but this I remembered and we looked it up on the web..............looks fabulous!! We may sqeeze in the Tate too if we don't hang about for lunch! ... you will have to type this as I don't know how to make a hyperlink :) Not as geeky as Simon!!!!!!!! LOL