Sunday 6 April 2008

...ohh ...ooh me too!

I wouldn't want to be left out in the technology race (bad for the 'geek' image) so here are a couple of pictures from the Harris family. Elena is off skiing with the school at the moment and she sent us this picture yesterday on the day she arrived. Note the weather in the Swiss Alps!

And the next picture is one I took this morning (on the lower slopes of Surrey)!

It's all a bit odd! Anyway, on to IT stuff, this blogger thing is a bit quirky in that it always puts images at the beginning of the post regardless of where the cursor is! You can always 'tweak' the code, if you fancy, by just cutting the image code (the bit between the <a ...> and </a>) from the top of the post ...
Before - click to expand
... and pasting it back into where you want if to appear.
After - click to expand
And there ends today's HTML tutorial (-;

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