Sunday 25 May 2008

cherio benfleet family!

Have fun, everyone.
From all in Kent

Saturday 24 May 2008

Up Date From Benfleet

Hi family just wanna tell ya 2 days to go. Will give you more goss when we get back. luv 2 u all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Paul

Friday 23 May 2008

Nice pix

Hey Andy, looks like you guys had a great time. We really enjoyed it when we went, ooh it seems like *ages* ago now - but was in fact only 2003! Did you do any of the 'cultural' thing while you were there (y'know - pyramids and stuff) or are you saving that for the next one?

Here's a couple from the 'ole archive (-;
Sphinx - CairoLuxor Temple

Thursday 22 May 2008

hi everyone hope ur all ok. just returned from sunny egypt. had a great time indi & ellie loved it, jasmine was fantastic, & sian behaved herfself too! cant wait to go back there next year. (sians all ready been in the travel shop to check out the prices) well here r some of our holiday pics. to share with you

Sunday 18 May 2008

Hello Strangers

Hi you two,
Glad to hear you had a good holiday, I think we're going to India for our 50th year with two other couples. One lot have been before and were waxing lyrical so we thought it would be good fun if they showed us round! This year it's a Rosie and Jim boat in Stratford !!
Paul and Tina are counting the days to their holiday now, and I have a feeling Andy and Sian are either away now, very soon or have just come back from Eygpt.
Love to all
Ruth x

The prodigal brother

Good to hear from you Mark - sounds like you had a great time. What's the weather like in India at this time of year? I liked the artistic b&w photo of the scooters (with no disrespect to the subject matter in the other two!).

Saturday 17 May 2008

About time

Hello all..No excuses im afraid for lack of post. Enjoyed reading about recent adventures. Moving into that holiday period etc. Had a little jaunt ourselves to Goa. The pics are all in Panjim which is the capital. Had to take a snap of the scooters. A rather typical city sight in India but never ceases to amuse me. Been doing a bit of decorating painting mainly. Quite therapeutic actually once you get started. It's just getting started which is the problem. Had my first pupil for guitar lessons this week. Don't want to do too many or it will drive me mad but it is quite rewarding when they finally click with a riff or set of chords and realize that they can play one of their favorite songs. Anyway hope all is well with everyone. Speak soon Mark x

That's all I need (0;

... now it's not just the women in my house ganging up up on me - it's those outside as well!

Friday 16 May 2008

Hello from Benfleet

Hello family. Nothing much to report just keeping in contact.
Can`t wait for our holiday fly out bank holiday monday.
Hopefuly have pic`s & gossip after that.
All well this end hope you all well love Buv Paul x

Parallel eye!!!

Hello all,
Parallel universe Simon? I think it was more to do with a "man look"!! Caroline (and other half's up and down the country) will know what I mean!
Minorca looks as lovely as I remember it, and the pics of the "girls" are great too.
Nothing too exciting happening here. George's toes are on the mend, the Greenwich house is nearly ready to go on the market and if it doesn't chuck it down tomorrow I'm off to Lullingstone Castle to look at the world garden. ( there was a programe on telly last year all about it)
Love Ruth x

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Returned from the twilight zone

Remember I didn't put any pictures in the previous post because I couldn't find my phone data cable? Well, this is bizarre. I looked everywhere for it and gave up yesterday thinking I'd have to buy another.

I nodded off in front of the telly a couple of nights ago and woke up to see a Science Fiction program about parallel universes and alternate realities and all that jazz! I follow it through to the end - pretty good really in a geeky sort of way, turn off the telly and glance into the desk draw which was open. What do I see in the place where I *know* I've looked several times already but the missing cable - spooky or what? Everyone else in the house denies having put it there - I suspect alien intervention!!

Anyway, in a roundabout way, here are a couple of piccies from Minorca.
view from the apartment balcony Cituadella in the rain

... and here are two from the Race for Life
Confident before the start Lauren strides home

Monday 12 May 2008

Race for Life

Back from Minorca on Saturday - had a *great* time! Weather was patchy (two days sun, one day rain) but couldn't really complain and the wet day, being Caroline's birthday, actually had quite a large chunk spent in a very nice restaurant for lunch looking out over the harbour in Cituidella!

Went to a local park in Croydon today to support Caroline and the girls in a sponsored 5km run / walk / jog in aid of cancer research. The weather was probably not perfect for such activities (i.e. too hot!) but we shouldn't complain. In fact, quite a few of our (female) friends took part and we all went back to someones house for pizzas afterwards and an extension of Caroline's birthday so it turned out to be a great day!

Will post photos of both events just as soon as I find the lost USB cable for my phone )-;

Friday 2 May 2008

Surrey update

Good to hear from people. Yesterday Lauren voted for the first time, which is a bit of a landmark. As I write, it's looking increasingly like that clown Johnson is going to be the new mayor. Can you imagine him representing London at the 2012 Olympics? Doesn't bear thinking about )-; Also, she's working *really* hard revising for the ever-popular A-levels.

Elena has been busy with her GCSE 'mocks' and last weekend fitted in a practice walk for her Duke of Edinburgh award. She has so many activities with her dancing and various music, I swear I have to write a weekly schedule just so we don't miss anything!

It's Caroline's birthday next Friday and the two of us are going away for three nights in Minorca so we're looking forward to that.

Not sure if this picture is actually the apartments we're in but you get the idea (-;

Anyway, the weather's not looking too clever for the bank holiday weekend - typical! So stay dry and I'll speak to you all soon.

Thanx 4 the fix

Hi Tina and anyone else checking in.
Good to hear from you. Sounds like your weekend is going to be a hectic one! I'm quite jealous as George has just today had an operation on both his big toes ( in-growing toenails) and the chiropodist has said he must put his feet up and not move for at least two days!! His going to love it!!
I'll probably just potter in the garden when I'm not running round after him.
Love to all
Ruth xx

Girls night out

Hello Ruth, Tina here. Rare night off last night, so thought I would log on, catch up with emails and check out the Harris family. I'm off out tonight with my mates, to Palms, we have booked a load of rooms and are staying over, cant wait, am definitely in need of a good night out, let my hair down, been all work and no play for too long. Also have planned on going out Saturday night to a school reunion, not sure whether I will make it yet depending on how rough I feel after Friday night, we shall see, but as it stands the plan is to go. Only 3 1/2 wks to go before our holiday in Bulgaria, again, desperately needed, get out of the rat race for a week.........cant think of nothing else, hope this is enough gos for you, hope you are all well, hello everyone else in the Harris family, ttfn xx