Sunday 27 July 2008

It's all go!

I've not long been back from picking up Elena from the coach drop-off from her orchestra tour (sounds like very eventful and great fun!) and now we are running around putting the last few bits in suitcases prior to whizzing of to Kalkan in Turkey early tommorrow morning! I think I'll need a week there just to relax. Meeting up with a variety of friends out there - all at various times - so we're all looking forward to it. Anyway, I'll not be *ages* at the keyboard tonight - it's an early start!!! More details and pictures to follow ...

Wednesday 23 July 2008

Hello From Benfleet

Hello family hope you are all well. We all good here been VERY busy at work working 7 days to get the job done in time ! He`s moveing in on monday 28th not much time loads to do still !!!! My grandson was 3 a few weeks ago GOD i must be getting old ! Jacie went fishing for the 1st time with her bruv Ben loved it. started decorating ( stripping walls ) when we have a spare min or two, not alot done no spare time ! hope to see you all round about Mums & Marks B/day bye for now BRUV PAUL xxx

Sunday 13 July 2008

hello all

Just a quick hello to everyone. Interesting reading about various family vocations and vacations. The big half a century is coming up for me in august. Not planning a party as im not really in to all that malarky. On the other hand it would be nice for all, or some of us to meet up for a sunday lunch around mid august. Play it by ear. Thought i'd just chuck the idea in the pool. Kim passed her aerobics instructors course which she's been doing for the last three months. I now know what a grapevine and a box step is, but having two left feet, leaves me at a big disadvantage when trying to perform these complicated professional moves! Starting to plan for a holiday in sept. maybe Corsica. Looks quite interesting. Bit of history, Napoleon etc. Nice beaches. Anyway hope everyone is well. Blog soon x

Wednesday 9 July 2008

News from Botswana !!!

We saw off Lauren at Heathrow on Monday afternoon at the beginning of her 4-week African adventure with 'Projects Abroad'.

International Volunteer Work on a Conservation & Environment Project in South Africa and Botswana
Well, today she managed to get a phone call through to us from on top of a large rock outcrop, apparently being about the only place near the camp that you can get a predictable mobile signal! They do get into the nearby town once a week so she can get to an Internet cafe then. Already she's seen close-up a herd of elephants (including babies!) and also zebra. It all sounds wonderful. More news as we get it (-;

Tuesday 8 July 2008

So what made *your* shortlist?

We saw a TV show about the short-listed entrants for the show prize and really liked the 'Blue Egg' - which actually won!

Was it as impressive close-up?

Wednesday 2 July 2008

Checking in from Vigo

Hello Everyone
Congratulations to Lauren on passing the driving test. Tom has his theory test next Friday, no date as yet for the BIG ONE! ( these boys are a bit slow!) He also had his interview for going back on his course, all looks promising, just waiting for official confirmation.
Only 4 weeks until my holiday now and I'm counting the days.
I'm off to the RA on Friday to see the summer exhibition this is my third year. It's a killer on the feet (I always take a change of shoes in a large handbag!) but worth the pain all the same. We always pick out what we think is 1. our favourite 2. the most pretentious and 3. the "we could have done better ourselves".
If anyone is bored any weekend just ring and come over, you are very welcome
Love to all
Ruth xx