Tuesday 1 February 2011

new year

Hi everyone. happy new year and all that. Hope all are well, Not a lot of action going on in the blog this year so far, so thought i'd make my first contribution.
Kim's been away now for about a week and a half in New Zealand. Managed to speak to her most days via Skype, which is great , Not only can you see each other as well as speak, but it's free as well! She's been doing some trekking and stuff, and going to a wedding on some "paradise" island next week, just off the coast os Auckland.
Been keeping myself busy with music stuff, as always. Rehearsing a new set of songs with the band, and writing some songs with my mate Marc. About two thirds of the way through an albums worth of material. Just for the fun of it really. Sent a couple of songs off to the BBC the other day, to an unsigned artist comp. You never know...
Did'nt have any pics from our last get together im afraid Ruth. But would be good to see a few up on the blog, if anyone has any,
Anyway signing off for now. Love to all x
ps. anyone who fancies a listen to a few of my latest pop picking tunes, you can hear them at; myspace.com/ghiadeluxe

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