Sunday 15 July 2007

Variety is the spice of life ...

... but 4 seasons in a day is a bit much! I think there was a storm last night but I am convinced I would sleep through the apocalypse so I wasn't troubled by it. As it happens, all four of us went over to a friends last night for a bit of a 'social'. I brought over the Really Nasty Horseracing Game (by request!) and it went down very well. As usual with our events, there were far too many people to play a board game with a single person per 'player' even with a 6-player game like this one. I did try to convince everyone that we could play two different games at the same time (I had brought a few with me!) but they aren't all as big board games fans as me (see thursday_club) so we just 'doubled up' and essentially played 2-person teams and had 12 rowdy adults packed round one table. The kids (aged 18 down to 11) were in another room playing equally rowdy games of Pit and Werewolf.

As if that wasn't enough in terms of numbers, the host family also occasionally take in foreign schoolkids while they are on school trips to the UK, so I don't know if these 5 Hungarian teenage boys thought the British are *always* this loud on a Saturday night!

Weather wise, we had a short sharp storm this afternoon but it was bright sunshine before and after - I wish it'd make up it's mind!

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