Saturday 18 August 2007

No offence meant (0;

I was only tidying up the layout (honest!) - it's always good to hear from everyone. Great new about the move, Ruth, best of luck and I hope it goes OK. When it comes to technology, a keen teenager in the house always comes in handy!

B.t.w. Ruth, did you like the Boynton graphics? I remember you were always a fan of her designs when they first came out.


Ruth said...

Enlighten me on Boynton graphics please!
What did you think of Eltham palace btw?

Simon said...

Bonton was the cartoonist that used to make a load of *great* birthday cards many years back. The clip with 'hippo birdies 2 ewes' was one of her classics! I also remember one with a group of seahorses and when you looked harder, one at the bottom was a 'real' horse - a gem!