Tuesday 24 February 2009

Stage & Screen

The weekend of 14th was a fun one for us. On Saturday Caroline and I went up to town to see Twelfth Night starring Derek Jacobi. It was excellent - I hadn't seen this particular Shakespeare before. In fact, I say 'starring', Derek Jacobi's part wasn't the lead although he was very good. Viola, the female lead, was played by Victoria Hamilton who is in Larkrise to Candleford (the younger of the two sisters in the dress shop).

Then on Sunday, a whole bunch of us went to see Slumdog Millionaire which was *brilliant* - I can perfectly understand how it won so many awards at the Oscars.

Back at home, our house is rather full of sofas at the moment! We've bought a new two-piece suite but I'm having problems getting rid of the old one. I got as far as selling it on eBay but then the buyer disappeared of the radar. I put it back for a 'second chance' offer whereby the second place bidder get first option on it but they never got back to me either. Local charity shops don't seem too keen so I'll give eBay another bash, otherwise it looks like I'll be paying someone to take away. Sigh )-;

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