Monday 7 June 2010

Thanks, Boris!

Dunno if I mentioned it last weekend but the week before my big ride I rode over a big pothole on the South Circular and wrote off one on my expensive wheels (£150 a pair!) but managed to avoid coming off and having a nasty accident. Anyway, I thought I'd have a bash at claiming for the repair bill from whoever was supposed to maintain the road. I discovered that it's the local council *unless* it is a red route (which the S. Circular is) then it's comes under Transport for London.
So off went a finely crafted letter along with some close-up photos taken on the ole 'mobly' and a bill from the local bike shop and I thought that would be the last I'd hear of it. Not a bit of it!! On Saturday, onto the doormat drops a vaguely apologetic letter from TfL and ... a cheque for £99.99 (the cost of a single wheel) - result!
Hats off to Boris, I say (and sorry mate, no I still won't be voting for you next time round!).

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