Saturday 31 December 2011

Happy New Year !!!!

Happy new year to all my family hope its a good one x

Saturday 24 December 2011

Merry Xmas Every 1

Merry xmas family hope you all ave a gud 1 xxx

Monday 19 December 2011

Happy Christmas!

Just want to second the thanks to Ruth (and Lee!) for having us all over yesterday. Really enjoyed the photo show - hope everyone has a great Christmas (-;


Sunday 18 December 2011

Round Ruths

Well done sis great spread & great to see you all. Had fun , was a laugh looking at the old photos < slides > MERRY XMAS

Sunday 4 December 2011


Gotta do it ...

Sunday 27 November 2011

Xmas Slide Show

Every one should now have a name for their secret santa gift recipient, if not, contact me asap.
I think I said turn up around 1pm and I will provide a yummy retro spread. If any one wants to help out financialy with that, I would be happy to take your cash!!!!
I'm really looking forward to it and meeting up with everyone. I'll get the projector out of the loft this fingers crossed ( and everything else!!)
Love to all
I've got Tom's 21st to organise before all this, so if I look a little frazzled by the Sunday....have some sympathy, not having a proper party though, so that's a relief!

Saturday 19 November 2011

Up to date

I see we are keeping up to date with the Harris blog lol. Went to Wembley last saturday England v Spain Grreeaat day out !!! Wots the gossip with u lot ????

Monday 31 October 2011

Stand-Up at Dorking

We went to see Dave Gorman at the weekend at Dorking Halls in his Dave Gorman's Powerpoint Presentation. It was *excellent* - very clever, very funny!
Sometimes it takes a comedian to point out some of the absurdities in life! Like, according to advertising people, the reason clock hands in adverts are always at 8 minutes past 10 is because it reminds us of a happy, smiling face. Fair enough, you say, but why do all HTC adverts showing the digital time on their phones show it as 10:08? Just a thought!

Saturday 29 October 2011

again ignore


mum and dad

hi all,,,hope you all ok, went to the cemetary the other day and had a tidy up and put some flowers down, um, looking forward to the harris christmas buffet/slide show, cant believe jc is into double figures this week doesnt time fly speak to you soon love paul x

Sunday 25 September 2011

Saturday 24 September 2011


Im back up & running Dont no wot happend ?

Saturday 17 September 2011

Harris Slideshow

Hi all any dates for the slide show yet ? xx

Thursday 8 September 2011

Back from holidays

A couple of days back from 2 weeks in Kucadasi (Turkey) and still haven't sorted out the photos yet. But checking in anyway just to let people know we're still around! Ellie started her Art Foundation degree at Epsom this week so that's pretty exciting. Lauren had some excellent news while we were away for the 2nd week (the girls only came for the 1st week) - she's accepted an offer of a PhD course at Bristol! So it's back down 'west' again this weekend to try to sort out some accomodation. It's all happening!
Anyway, proper holiday snaps to follow soon - speak soon.


Tuesday 23 August 2011

Back in time?

Hello everyone

Went along to the North Star on Saturday night and took Jane with us. It was a great night and the music was fabulous as always, think I danced a couple of pounds away too!!! ( always a bonus!)

Have been chatting with Paul this weekend too and we feel it's about time for a slide show. happy to take it on at my place but if we need food I'd like a bit of finacial help please. I thought it might be fun, and cheap, to do a sort of Sunday tea thing to really bring the memories back!!

Let me know what you all think.

Ruth xx

Ps Here's another pinic photo....why does it take soooo long to download?

Saturday 20 August 2011

Hi All

Just a test run to see if i can publish am haveing trouble

North Star gig

We fancy popping over to see Mark's band tommorrow night. Anyone else coming along? I think Ruth and co. are going.


Tuesday 16 August 2011

Surrey cycle road race

One of the London2012 'practice' events was the cycling road race which went through Surrey last Sunday. As it happens, the riders went over Box Hill but access was very restricted. I checked the route and saw it went through Kingston so I jumped on the bike and rode over to watch them tear past!

Race leaders

Following 'peloton'

Monday 15 August 2011

Hols no 2

Off for a short break to Haven holiday camp. Caravaning wiv the dog last min Mon - Fri

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Box Hill

Just checking it works

Taking for ever to upload photos but worth it as it was such a great day, and thanks to Tina for keep reminding me to take them!!

Waited ten minutes for uploading 4 photos, still not done, so just this one for now!!!!!

Monday 1 August 2011

Box Hill

Just testing W had a great time good to see you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday 31 July 2011

A great day out!

Really terrific to see everyone up at Box hill today. Thanks to all for making the effort - I know some journeys weren't too clever. Even the weather was nice to us which was the icing on the cake! I actually remembered to bring the camera and then forgot to take any pictures! I know there were folks taking pictures so be sure to post them when you have a moment.
I know Paul was having problems with new posts (apparently 'comments' were OK so that's really odd). It seems there is an option for a new 'post editor' which I might activate - see if that helps. Apparently it makes posting images easier amongst other things so we will see how it goes. Any problems drop me an email / txt and I can switch it back.

Saturday 30 July 2011


Friday 29 July 2011

Directions for Sunday

Just lifted this straight from Google maps !

8. Continue onto M25
9. At junction 8, exit toward A217/Reigate/Sutton/Kingston/A240 - 1.5 mi
10. At the roundabout, take the 4th exit onto Brighton Rd/A217 heading to London(S)/London(SW)/Sutton/Kingston/A240
Go through 2 roundabouts - 2.8 mi
11. At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Dorking Rd/B2032
Go through 1 roundabout - 2.6 mi
12. Slight right onto Headley Common Rd/B2033 - 0.2 mi
13. Continue onto Boxhill Rd - 1.9 mi
14. Continue onto Zig Zag Rd - 0.7 mi
15. Slight left
Destination will be on the left - 39 ft

Box Hill, National Trust
Tadworth KT20 7LB

Monday 25 July 2011

Just a quickie!

I was just going to suggest meeting up on Sunday at Box Hill at 1 o'clock. There is a big car park right by the shop, so either meet there or somewhere on the field nearby.
Paul did mention a bat, which I hadn't thought about - any takers / volunteers?

Saturday 23 July 2011

Bristol Graduation

Apologies for not announcing Lauren's success with her degree! A 2.1 at Bristol is something to be *very* proud of - we certainly are! We went down to see the graduation ceremony on Thursday and had a great time - here are a couple of the many photos we took.


Who`s got the bat & ball ? Wot time we kicking off ?

just testing

just testing

Thursday 21 July 2011

Is it still on

Hi all this weather is a joke !!! Are we still on weather permitting ? Have we got a time yet ?

Monday 18 July 2011

Simplified Rounders Rules

All looks pretty straightforward (-;

• Games shall be played between 2 teams.
• A team consisting of a maximum of 15 players and a minimum of 6 of whom no more than 9 may be on the field at one time.

• Wait in the backward area well away from 4th Post.
• If out, wait in the backward area well away from 1st Post.
• You will have one good ball bowled to you.

No Ball if:
• Not smooth underarm action.
• Ball is above head or below knee.
• Ball bounces on way to you.
• Is wide or straight at body.
• The bowler's foot is outside the square during the bowling action.

You can take a normal run on a no ball, but once you reach 1st Post you cannot return. You score in the normal way.

• 1 rounder if 4th Post reached and touched before next ball is bowled.
• 1 rounder if 4th Post reached on no ball (you cannot be caught out).
• 1/2 rounder if 4th Post reached without hitting the ball.
• 1/2 rounder if 2nd Post reached after hitting the ball (you stay at 1st whilst ball is in the backward area).
• Penalty 1/2 rounder for an obstruction by a fielder.
• Penalty 1/2 rounder for 2 consecutive no balls (to the same batter).
• 1 rounder for a backward hit if 4th Post reached (you stay at 1st whilst ball is in the backward area).

Out When
• Caught.
• Foot over front/back line of batting square before missing or hitting a ball.
• Running inside Post (unless obstructed).
• The Post you are running to is stumped.
• You lose contact with the post during bowler's action when he has possession in his square.
• You overtake.
• You obstruct (you have right of way on track only).

Running Around The Track - Please Carry The Bat
• If you stop at a post you must keep contact with the Post, hand or bat. If you do not, the fielding side can stump the following Post to put you out.
• You can run on to a post even if it has been previously stumped.
(You do not score if you do it on 4th Post).
• When the bowler has the ball in his square, you cannot move on, but if you are between Posts, you can carry on to the next.
• You cannot have two batters at a Post. The umpire will ask the first to run on when second one makes contact.
• At a Post, you do not have to move on for every ball bowled.
• You can move on as soon as the ball leaves the bowler's hand, this includes no balls.
• You must touch 4th Post on getting home.

Monday 11 July 2011


Off to ibiza wed. Hope everyone is ok. Box hill it is then at end of month.
Fingers crossed for the weather. Does anyone remember the rules for rounders? Heard on the radio its coming back in vogue.
Apparantly there's a dedicated website with loads of info about it.
Anyway see you all soon. x

Sunday 10 July 2011


Happy birthday dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Happy birthday dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday 3 July 2011

Box Hill it is!

Don't want to be the bossy big brother (!) but I reckon we should just settle on Box Hill on 31st July. Paul and Mark were thinking of taking a rain check a week before and going for an alternative if the weather forecast for that weekend is atrocious.

Saturday 2 July 2011

Let's get our act together!

Hello Peeps
Only 4 weeks until 31st July, and we still haven't decided on a venue, or anything else come to that!
What's happening?
Ruth x

Sunday 26 June 2011


We are on for the 31st wot tmie , where ect ?

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Picnic in the park

Hi yes 31st should be ok , will ask the Boys & co . Thought it was Simons turn to hoast if you know wot i mean ??? Are we all doing our own grub or is one doing & we all chip in ? We`ll ave to get rounders & bowls sorted out yes ?


Mark and Kim can't do 10th and 17th July so that leaves 31st July and 14th August. I have to say I'd rather do 31st July, just have to see what Paul and Tina can do, then we're on!

Sunday 19 June 2011

Great Hols

Wot a great hol, lovelyl resort, super people,tasty food, hot hot hot !

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day !!!

Saturday 18 June 2011

Picnic - a few alternatives

Just spoken to Ruth and we're thinking more of the first 4 dates i.e. 10, 17, 31 July or 14 Aug. Had another thought on venue - Knole House in Sevenoaks. Ruth's happy with either so maybe a vote is order?
Box Hill
Knole House

Just a random note (and because it gives me a chance to put in a nice picture!) I've seen a couple of Goldfinches round our garden for the first time this week which is great!

Friday 17 June 2011


I think a picnic is a wonderful idea....if the weather ever cheers up!
And I think we should do it in some style even if we don't quite match up to Jane Austin standards!!!!
When is everone free? Sunday is best I think, we can do 10th, 17th, and 31st July. 14th and 21st about everyone else?
Love to all
Ruth x

Thursday 16 June 2011

Back from hols

Wot a great holiday ! Resort really gud , weather hot , people lovley would deffo go again !!! howz u lot ? hope to see u all soon Bruv Paul x

Sunday 12 June 2011

Back from our hols

Hi all holiday was great ! Would deffo go back , had a bit of rain but over all hot hot hot ! Food was lovley , resort excellant people very nice . Hope you lot all well Bruv Paul x

Back from hols

We had a great time would deffo go back !!! Weather was good had a few rainy mornings but hot hot hot. Food was lovley , people friendly , resort fab . Hope u all well Bruv Paul x

Thursday 26 May 2011


Turkey ere we cum 2nite
Gud idea Simon bout the picnic we all up 4 that. hope u all well speak soon luv bruv PAUL x

Sunday 22 May 2011

Hi there - just a thought!

@Ruth: Smartphones are the way forward! Email, blogs AND FBook all in one place!

All - just to throw out a suggestion, how about a picnic in the summer? Restaurants are OK (i.e no cooking or washing up) but 20-odd people round a table means there will always be *someone* you don't get to talk to! We could re-enact the famous picnic in Emma (for all those Jane Austin fans out there in Harris-land) - Box Hill is not far from our place and readily reachable from the ever-popular M25!
Box Hill picnic
For those needing a few ideas on what to bring, this list of goodies for your average Georgian 40-head picnic makes very interesting reading!
Picnicking, Box Hill Style
Just a little bit of trivia - the above scene was not actually shot on Box Hill but Leith Hill, 10 miles away!

Thursday 19 May 2011

Hello again

Here I am, on the blog! What with FB and Email I seem to have forgotten about this one!

It seems to have been an age since we all got together, who's turn is it to organise something?

I went to see Andy and Sian last weekend as we were in Wales having a first and tentertive look at a buisiness which just happened to be 1/2 a mile from where Belinda's parents had their little cafe. (Aberporth). If you want to have a look, it's called Gorsllwyd Farm.

Lots to think about.

Hope everyone is fit and healthy, let's know your news either here or some other electronic medium.

Let's get together very soon, hopefully while the weather is still good!

The photo is of flowers in my garden taken with my new camera and tripod.....think I need a few lessons Simon!! We are now growing onions, carrots, potatoes, cabbages, Brussel sprouts, runner beans, pumpkins, butternut squashs, garlic, tomatoes and herbs, Nice eh? Will be if they all grow!

Love to All xxx

Sunday 8 May 2011

When in Turkey ... (do as the Turks do!)

Paul, I guess you might be having a few of these!

Also, well worth looking out for the 'dark' variety - watch out, it's deceptively strong!

Have fun!



not that im getting excited, but 2 weeks and 5 days to go,,,,,,turkey here we come

Friday 29 April 2011

Party Time

Just off to a BBQ, have a great day off everyone.

Paarrrttttyyyyy !

We going to a street party today 11am - 11pm P A R T Y !

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Round Uncle Marks

this is a pic when i went to auntie kim and uncle marks for sunday dinner.we went to the woods

after to help our dinner go down

Love jacie -ann xxx

Tuesday 12 April 2011


Is ther anybody there ? Are we getting together this year ? Wheh ? Where ? Wot time ?

Sunday 3 April 2011


Happy mothers day Mum XXX

Sunday 27 March 2011

Carshalton update

Just a quick update from the Surrey chapter. I've been pretty busy at work with two big departments coming onto our main laboratory computer system (the one I help look after) so I've been pretty tied up with that. The downside is that we've all been putting off our annual leave while we got ready for that and now the support team are rushing to 'use it or lose it' before the end of the financial year. The upshot is I've got the whole of next week off work (-;
Caroline has been very busy as well putting in lots of hours so she's got the same week off. We'll probably just do a few day trips (maybe Brighton tomorrow) and then pop down to Bristol to pick up Lauren for her Easter break.
On the subject of Lauren, she's coming to the end of her 3rd Year now, so the next worry is 'what next'? She's been looking at some research posts, possibly even a PhD but it's all a bit up the air a.t.m.
Ellie is still waiting on replies on the last couple of Uni interviews so it's matter of nervously watching the door mat and the 'inbox' over the next week or so!
I don't *think* I mentioned it here but my bike was stolen from work a month or so ago but it was insured at least and after a bit of fiddling about I got my new bike two weeks ago. All very nice!

Time for a new meeting

Summer is a comeing bout time we got together a ? where when wot time ?????? x PAUL x

Saturday 26 March 2011

Ello Family

Hi all Going to Bruv Marks for a bit of sunday lunch tomorrow will pop to the cemetary put some flowers down for Mothers day
Bruv Paul x

Sunday 20 March 2011

Justin Bieber Baby LONDON 02 ARENA 17th MARCH 2011

hiya Jacie here me mum dad and jade went to see my pop idol justin bieber.I was screaming like a mad person.The next day my throat was really saw.I bought a glow sick that i was waving all the way through and i got a programme with his signature on it.It was my best night ever and nothing can top that!Hope your all well and hopefully see you all soon.Love J.c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday 20 February 2011

summer hols

Hello all hope you are all well ? Just booked our summer holiday Turkey May 27th YES !!! We all ok nothing much to report.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

new year

Hi everyone. happy new year and all that. Hope all are well, Not a lot of action going on in the blog this year so far, so thought i'd make my first contribution.
Kim's been away now for about a week and a half in New Zealand. Managed to speak to her most days via Skype, which is great , Not only can you see each other as well as speak, but it's free as well! She's been doing some trekking and stuff, and going to a wedding on some "paradise" island next week, just off the coast os Auckland.
Been keeping myself busy with music stuff, as always. Rehearsing a new set of songs with the band, and writing some songs with my mate Marc. About two thirds of the way through an albums worth of material. Just for the fun of it really. Sent a couple of songs off to the BBC the other day, to an unsigned artist comp. You never know...
Did'nt have any pics from our last get together im afraid Ruth. But would be good to see a few up on the blog, if anyone has any,
Anyway signing off for now. Love to all x
ps. anyone who fancies a listen to a few of my latest pop picking tunes, you can hear them at;