Wednesday 4 July 2007

Still no twins yet

That well-known technophobe, Paul, still hasn't set up an account yet - come on mate! Somebody tell him how easy it is! Just so that his contribution isn't lost to the world, I'll cut & paste his email to me from last week;
hello bruv - paul here not very good with computer its more Tina`s thing.
yes it was very good to see u all MUST do it more often !

What it lacks in content, it makes up in brevity.

Anyway, we're down to a 3-person family a.t.m. what with Lauren being off at Nottingham on a 1-week University taster session. What small contact we've had would seem to indicate that she's having a good time and getting a lot out of it. It's organised by the Sutton Trust via Lauren's school and I think it's a really great idea.

One other thing I thought I'd mention is that had set up an account with a web-tracking service (for another site I run) and it was no extra effort to get the system to track hits on this site as well. After an initial slow start, we seemed to be getting a flurry of activity over the last weekend - here is the graph they provide. What is interesting is that we had 10 visits on Sunday alone, 6 of them unique (i.e. from different computers!).

1 comment:

Paul said...

Brother Simon, please explain what 'brevity' means, only not having a grammer school eduction and only a comprehensive one, and living in dagenham for 12 years, my english vocabulary standard has dropped. Much appreciated.....