Wednesday 29 December 2010

Boxing Day charity swim at Eastbourne

Had a great chrimbo in Eastbourne with Caroline's brother and his family. Then on Boxing Day Lauren and Elaine took part in a fund-raising 'dip' in a very chilly sea in aid of a Leukaemia charity. Here are the before, during and after pics.

Hope everyone has a great New Year.


Happy New Year Family xXx

Saturday 25 December 2010

Merry Xmas

Merry Xmas Everyone xxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday 12 December 2010

Where are the photos?

Good to see everyone on the 5th. Thanks to our secret santas. I know there were a few peeps taking pictures - any chance of posting a few? I didn't have a camera that day so that's my excuse (-;

Tuesday 23 November 2010

All present and correct!

Yea, everyone has signed up to the Secret Santa. I clicked the button and the emails have been sent.
Santa picked
Caroline and I have received our 'target' emails so we know who we are buying for! If you fancy making it easy for your own 'secret santa', feel free to log onto the site and put something into your wishlist (see below). Or else just leave it to 'pot luck' - it's up to you (0;
Anyway, it's just a bit of fun so happy shopping and see you all at the 'Moat' on the 5th.

P.S. our emails went to our 'junk' folder (not sure why) so remember to check ALL your email folders!

Monday 22 November 2010

Secret Santa part 3 (!)

Everyone now has an account on the secret santa website but these last few peeps (Paul, Tina, Ben, Jodie, Mark) just need to log on and accept the invitation to the exchange. Basically, it’s just a matter of popping in the code in the original email (harriee9d8091786 in case you’ve lost it) into the ‘enter your code’ box and click ‘join’.
If we can’t get this all wrapped up by Wednesday night at the latest, then we’ll just have to accept defeat by technology. I’ll get Elena to put 18 bits of paper into a hat and send out 18 separate emails!!

Sunday 21 November 2010

Xmas gathering

Ello family now we sort of got the santa thing sorted wot is happening wiv Jacie & Alfie ???

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Secret Santa part II ...

We've just checked Caroline's invite to the 'Harris Family Secret Santa' and it seems fairly straightforward. You go the site given in your email and create a new account. It asks for a couple of details (the email address it was sent to, your chosen password, name and birthday, I think). You then log in with those details and 'accept' the invite. If for some reason everyone isn't able to do this by the deadline (I arbitarily chose next Saturday) then there is a way for the administrator (i.e. me!) to accept on behalf of people who haven't created an account yet. Not sure how that works out - presumably, it just sends out an email with your chosen recipient. Anyway, get checking those email inboxes (check your 'spam' folder just in case!) and remind everyone else living under the same roof (-:


Monday 15 November 2010

Secret Santa up and running

OK, I've picked an online 'Secret Santa' that looks simple enough. I hope I've got everyone's email address OK, so you should be getting your invites dropping into your inboxes any time now. I think you need to 'accept' the invites by logging into the website on the email with the code provided (if it's anything like last years one!) so check your emails a.s.a.p.
Because it is so close now, I've put a 'deadline' of next Saturday to register only because that gives us 2 weeks to get the gifts. I had a quick chat with Paul and we reckon £10 (or a bit over) is enough for a fun pressie without breaking the bank. Let's see how it goes.

Saturday 16 October 2010

Happy Birthday to Paul & Andy

... only joking (-;

Have a great day,



Happy Birthday Bruv xxx

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Happy Birthday Sis

x Happy birthday from Benfleet x

Happy Birthday to Ruth

I shall make no ungallant mention of specific, landmark ages just say have a great day!

Friday 8 October 2010

Is it a week already?

I can't believe it's already a week since we had our 'curry' night! Thanks to Ruth and Lee for hosting. We has a really good time, always great to meet up and have a chat. Plus, if we get to play some games, then that's a bonus - hope everyone enjoyed them as much. I wouldn't want you all to think I'm obsessed or anything but my 'collection' recently tipped over the 50 mark - oops!
Anyway, we played Zombie Dice ...

... and 6Nimmt.

Monday 13 September 2010

Gathering update

Xmas meal now properly booked, all selections taken down and deposits paid.
Was thinking it might be a good idea to do the same ( take a note of what people want) for the day before the curry night.......might be able to negotiate a discount!!
Love to All xx

Wednesday 8 September 2010

meet up

All sounds good to me Ruth. Thanks for keeping on top of things.
Curry sounds good. Nice to read up about everyone.
Nothing much to report. Kim's away this week with some girlfriends, in Rhoads.
Now have full control of the tv remote!

Tuesday 31 August 2010

Count us in!

Thanks for sorting this out (-;
Yes, we’d love to come for a curry on 2/10. It’ll be at least Caroline and I. Maybe either Lauren and/or Elena as well but I don’t suppose it’s *too* fixed.
Xmas lunch is good as well – just the 2 of us (definitely) ‘cos Ellie will be working and Lauren won’t be back from Uni by then.

Monday 30 August 2010

I'm the Boss!!

OK I'm taking matters in hand here!
My place for a curry.....Saturday 2nd October
The Moat for Xmas.....Sunday 11th December
All those in favour say Ay

Monday 23 August 2010

Hi all

Seems a bit odd talking about 'must meet before Christmas' in August but that's how bad we are, I guess! Yes, I'd love to meet up again soon and a take-away certainly sounds fine by me!

Updates from the Surrey chapter:
Lauren was very pleased with her 2nd Yr results and I think she's looking forward to cracking on with the really interesting stuff in her final year. She's off to Bestival on the IoW soon so that will be a weekend of music, drinking and not washing )-: In fact, it is worth following the link above just for the really cool website.

Elena has been inundated with 'results' just recently. She got really good grades with her 1st yr A-levels (AS) AND passed her driving test AND her grade 8 sax exam. I don't know if you recall a short animation I posted that Ellie made, but she submitted it for a competition for 'Commonwealth young film makers' and it got shortlisted for the top 3 in her age group (under 18), so it's all happening!

Meanwhile we all got back last week from a week in Mallorca (4 of us plus 2 boyfriends!) and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

Lastly, I finally got the OK to put some more fish in my 'new' tank. For those of you into that sort of thing (!) we've got Blue Gouramis, Cardinal Tetras and Harlequins.

Meet Up???

Hi Guys
Just wondering if we were all going to meet up any time before Christmas.Either for a meal out or you can come to me for a take-away (I'm too lazy to do a big cook these days)
E-mail me your thoughts
UPDATES - George is learing to drive, Tom has an interveiw with Rush next week, I've got a shiny red MG, just come back from a family holiday in France, Normandy( will be just the two of us from now on!!!),and am on the computer now booking a girly w/e to Brussels on Eurostar.
Love to hear your news
Ruth xx

Sunday 1 August 2010


Happy Birthday Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just a quick hello to all.
Just realised it's mum's birthday today. So happy birthday to her where ever she is.x
Hope everyone is well. I'm a little bit jaded today, after playing a gig last night, but hey, that's rock and roll.
Gonna spend the rest of this wk end to play with my new laptop. Just bought a macbook pro.
What a great piece of kit! it's got loads of whistles and bells.
Anyway love to all. xx

Thursday 15 July 2010

Don't call it a 'fish' tank

Due to Elena's employers strict 'screening' policy, I'm still not allowed to put any fish in my new tank! Quite rightly, they insist on testing a water sample from your tank before selling you any fish which I guess is reasonable given the price of some of the more fancy tropical varieties. Anyway, the upshot is I'll be popping down to Woodcote Nurseries *again* this weekend to see if I have a fish-friendly home yet!

Monday 28 June 2010


Thanks to all for your birthday greetings - good to hear from everyone. Yes, the footie *was* a major disappointment but, hey, it's not all bad.
  • We beat the Aussies at the one-day cricket
  • There's a Brit (alright, a Scot!) still in Wimbledon in the 2nd week
  • An Englishman is leading the F1 championship

Oh, and I got a fish tank from Caroline and the girls for my birthday! Just set it up tonight so I'm still waiting for it to settle down before I put any livestock in it. Because Elena is working in the 'aquatics' bit of a local garden center I'm sure to get some good advice on what to buy!
New fish tank

Sunday 27 June 2010

Oh dear, another world cup disappointment.
Happy birthday anyway Simon. Hope the "football" didn't cloud your day too much.

Saturday 26 June 2010

The Birthday Bruv

Happy B/day Bruv Simon Ave A Gud 1 xxx

Jacie made u a cake

Friday 25 June 2010

England v Germany

Hope you all watching the footy sunday 3pm if we beat the GERMANS it will be like winning the world cup !!!


Thursday 24 June 2010

Silver in Barcelona

First day back after 3 days in Barcelona to celebrate our 25th Anniversary. Caroline and I had a great time - loads of things to do and see and as you would imagine the food was lovely too! Never enough time on a trip like this , we'd love to go back again and do all the things we missed this time. Here's a few pictures of the brilliant Gaudi architecture from the famously unfinished Sagrada Familia to a wonderful apartment building.

Saturday 12 June 2010

Scary, huh?

Scary Zebra
Lauren is back from Uni for a few days and she and her friends decided that going to a bar in Croydon (by bus!) in animal-themed fancy dress was a good idea (-;

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Hope im forgiven now !

Hello family
Sorry about the sunday lunch _ BUT i had to go to WEMBLEY to watch the Daggers the only time im gonna get to see them at wembley but im sure ill see you plenty of times ! PS:hope to see you soon

love bruv Paul xxx

Monday 7 June 2010

Thanks, Boris!

Dunno if I mentioned it last weekend but the week before my big ride I rode over a big pothole on the South Circular and wrote off one on my expensive wheels (£150 a pair!) but managed to avoid coming off and having a nasty accident. Anyway, I thought I'd have a bash at claiming for the repair bill from whoever was supposed to maintain the road. I discovered that it's the local council *unless* it is a red route (which the S. Circular is) then it's comes under Transport for London.
So off went a finely crafted letter along with some close-up photos taken on the ole 'mobly' and a bill from the local bike shop and I thought that would be the last I'd hear of it. Not a bit of it!! On Saturday, onto the doormat drops a vaguely apologetic letter from TfL and ... a cheque for £99.99 (the cost of a single wheel) - result!
Hats off to Boris, I say (and sorry mate, no I still won't be voting for you next time round!).

Sunday 6 June 2010

Geek Meet

Got back at lunchtime today from the annual UK Games Expo in Birmingham. This is now my 3rd time of going (it's only been running for 4!) and again had a really good time. It's a trade show and board gaming meetup combined that runs over 3 days (2 nights) - I went for the Saturday day/evening, stopped overnight and came away first thing.
The show was great, managing to restrict myself to only a couple of purchases and got to play quite a few new, soon-to-be-released games. I met with some people from the game club I go to and also hooked up with 2 separate groups who I've met from previous years. This meant I had no shortage of willing and friendly opponents and eventually gave up at around 1 a.m. still leaving a surprisingly large number of folks still soldiering on!
I even met a really nice fellow gamer, Beth (who is also an illustrator) who did this terrific personalised cartoon for me!

Already planning next year's visit!

Monday 31 May 2010

Great Day

Mark, you need to update your sat nav!!! It seems to only pick up Roman Roads!!!!
Glad every one had a good time. It was great that you didn't have to go as early as you first said.
Breakfast was a very "meaty" afair. Just a lettuce leaf for me now (sob,sob)


Took a wrong turning going home ,but thanks to my fantastic sat nav, we managed to find the A2.
Which was fortunate, because thats the only bloody road it can find!
Had a great day. Thanks all.
Love Mark and Kim x

Sunday 9 May 2010

Looks a bit scary (-;

Friday 30 April 2010

All change ...

Just thought I'd post this video that Ellie made as part of her A-level Art coursework.

Monday 19 April 2010

Back to work ... for a rest!

Bit of a hectic weekend, but in a good way! Friday, we went to Wimbledon dogs with some friends and displayed a single lack of winning ways. Caroline backed one winner and not one of my forecasts came in. It was all good fun, though. Important not to think of it as investment but entertainment!
Saturday, I went out for another training cycle - this one for 3 hours (yea!). I mapped out the route retrospectively and was surprised it came to over 40 miles! Then in the evening we went for a meal with Lauren, Adam and his dad (who we'd never met!) in a nice restaurant in Bayswater.
On Sunday, we took Lauren back to Bristol so that meant two longish drives with a quick lunch in the middle. I was knackered by the time I got back.
Then when I get back to work on Monday I find, due to holidays and sickness, I am the only one from a team 5 actually at work!

Saturday 17 April 2010

70's classics

I trust you'll be having prawn cocktail to start and black forest gateaux for pud? Time to dust off the hostess trolley! Don't forget to put some Demis Roussos on the radiogram (-;

Meal on 30th May

Hi All
Thanks for comming back to me. I'll get on to it as soon as you let me have close numbers, if not exact.
Love Ruth
PS Hope you are all enjoying the lovely weather. We're hosting a 70's dinner party fabulous, should be fun. Drew the line at Blue Nun wine tho!!!!!!!!

Another Family Gathering

Yes Sis sounds gud to me Let me know asap when & Tina will try to get time off. x

Thursday 15 April 2010

meet up

Hello all.
Sounds good to me Ruth. Hope all is well with everyone.
Looking forward to summer and a hung parlament!
Off to work now. Speak soon.

Sunday 11 April 2010

Spring has sprung

Isn't the weather just great at the moment? I hope everyone has managed to get out and about at least a bit. We had a great Easter, thanks - far too much chocolate as usual. Every year, we say 'let's not give everyone eggs this year, the kids are too old for that sort of thing anyway'. And then every year we end up buying (and receiving) loads.
I've signed up for a charity bike ride that a local bike shop in Sutton (Pearsons) is arranging to celebrate their 150th Anniversary. It's jointly in aid of the Royal Marsden and a charity they run that promotes cycling in schools. It's a slightly daunting 150 km long from the local, Surrey site of the Royal Marsden Hospital down to Brighton and back again. Anyway, I've decided that a 10 mile pootle to and from work (even if it is every day) isn't really in the same league so I've started trying to do some longer rides at the weekend. I did 30 miles to Box Hill and back today which was great in the sunshine and of course the views were great. (I can't take the credit for this photo!)
Box Hill Viewpoint
Well done, Ruth, for finding a likely venue for the next meetup. Have you got some more details, just out of interest? I'm sure the date is probably OK for us - did you need some firm numbers soon?
Look forward to hearing from everyone soon.

P.S. Apologies if there are any strange spilling mistooks - the cat keeps walking over the keyboard. Probably just cupboard love (-;

Monday 5 April 2010

News about 30th May

Hi Everyone

Hope you all had a good Easter break. I think I may have found a local restaurant that will accomodate a large ( and loud ) party. It's in Trottiscliffe a few minutes from me and M20/26. So not difficult to find and you can all come back to ours and crash if you need to!

Let me know what you all think.
Ruth xx

Saturday 3 April 2010

... and here is the 'news'

Did as Paul suggested and checked the Sun website for this story.

Hollywood NO Basildon NO

the council erected their basildon sign for £90,000. a man from benfleet, after a night out drinking, erected our very own sign for a mere £20,,,, any guesses who it was,,,,check out todays sun newspaper

Sunday 28 March 2010

Great Day!

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for a wonderful afternoon, I couldn't believe we'd been there for 4 hours!!!! A little bit sad that I didn't get too much chance to speak to Chloe and Charlie..... That's the trouble with a big table unless you shout very loudly!!
So..... everybody thinking about their record breaking attempts then?
See you all on 30th May
Love Ruth xxx
PS hope Tina better soon x

Arrrrh the day has come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good to see us all useing the BLOG The day has finally come - for those with bad memories, or dont read their texts or check out the blog, the restaurant is the DICK TURPIN Wickford A127 the time is 1pm the date is 28th march 2010 your everloving bro paul

Thursday 11 February 2010

Dick Turpin

Just doing a bit of 'googling' - pub looks good!

They have a website and they seem to get good reviews.
Also pretty simple to get to for those of us with a dreadful sense of direction (-;
Map to pub

Sunday 7 February 2010

keeping in touch

Hello all not alot been happnin just workin 6 days a week since xmas, going out on a BOYS NIGHT OUT 20th feb for JACKS b/day !!! Looking forward to seein u all next month ??? I take it u are all cumin ???

Bruv Paul

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Sunday 17 January 2010


Right i think ive cracked it !!!! SUNDAY 28/03/10 1pm At the Dickturpin Wickford hope its enough notice for you all
Luv Bruv Paul x

Thursday 7 January 2010

Date for family meetup

Good on you Paul for plugging away with trying to get this meal organised! We really are pretty bad at agreeing on anything aren't we? Just for a bit of fun, I've put a 'poll' on the site - of course that shouldn't stop anyone from posting some news anyway.

Saturday 2 January 2010

Happy New Year Family

Had a busy & very good Xmas hope you all did. Shame it all has to end ! We took Jacie-ann to Winter Wonderland yesterday at Hyde Park - Very Good !!! PLEASE check your e-mails need to know dates for HARRIS belated lunch.

Paul x